How To Learn English Speaking At Home A Brief on This Language

Named after Angles, English has become the leading language of international discourse in the modern 21st century. This West Germanic language had developed its course for more than 1400 years. One of the oldest forms of this language,”Old English”, was brought in Great Britain by West Germanic dialects(one of them being Angels).

Since the 17th century, Modern English has become a worldwide influence on the British Empire and The United States of America. This spread of this language has all come through newspapers and electronic media mostly.

By the number of speakers, English is the largest speaking language and the third most regular language spoken in the world (after Spanish and Chinese). English is almost spoken in about 60 Sovereign states and is either the official language or is learned as a second language.

In Ireland, New Zealand, The United Kingdom, The United States, Australia, Canada, the majority native language is English, while in Singapore, India it is the official language. English is also widely spoken in South Asia, Southeast Asia, the Caribbean and Oceania. 

Ten ways to learn to speak English

To become fluent in English, it is not necessary to surround ourselves with English speakers. We even don’t have to leave our home and learn from the internet if we are smart about learning English. 

Here are the top 10 ways to learn English speaking: –

Surrounding ourselves with the English language

we need to find ways to make English a part of our everyday life at home, like writing shopping lists, listening to English podcasts, radios and songs.

Interacting with people who speak fluent English

Even if we are not living in a foreign country, there will probably be some foreigners who live nearby, or we may know them. Interacting with them and knowing how to speak this language fluently will help us to learn this environment in a controlled, calm and friendly environment

Finding partners to study with

We don’t need native speakers to practise our English with. We can form an English club, find a partner to study with and practice English. We can motivate each other, and we can learn by ourselves by helping our partners with their mistakes

Using verified materials

It can be boring if we are learning English just by reading storybooks. Instead, we can ask our partners to write articles, blogs and letters, which will give us exposure to new words. Maybe a challenge at first, but the way of learning can be exciting. We can read English and learn from the newspaper if we cannot find proper material on the internet

Subscribing to Spoken English courses

We can subscribe to online courses and can get in contact with people globally. These courses can be helpful as people form chats rooms and forums and blend with different cultures across the world speaking this language

Setting realistic goals by ourselves 

We can make progress by setting short term goals. Give ourselves the reason for studying, maybe to get ourselves a promotion, study abroad or maybe spend our next holiday in an English speaking country

Listening to English

Even if we do not understand English properly, we can listen to English at average speed and train our ears. We can practice listening without seeing things written down and rectify ourselves every time we make a mistake. This is a time taking yet effective process

We can find new ways to look out for new words

If we like singing, we can look up words on our favourite English songs. We can write new words on sticky notes and stick them around our cupboards to see them often. We can make attractive and funny sentences that can help with our vocabulary and make learning interesting

Learn more about the culture

We can learn more about the language, for example, where it originated from and more facts about the language. This may give us the interest of learning more about the language. After all, learning a language is not about grammar and vocabulary but speaking too

We need to figure out fun ways of learning

It will be a bit hard work because learning a language will be difficult initially and sometimes be boring. But if we can figure out fun ways of learning and avoid monotonous routines.  

Why is it essential to have excellent spoken power?

Speaking English can give us lots of new job opportunities and interact with people abroad, speaking language helps us broaden our world.

Anywhere across the world we go, we can find people speaking, which may help us interact with people. English is a language which widely spoken and the official language in many countries. Speaking fluent English has many advantages and might give someone the upper hand in quite some situations.

7 Tips to Speak English Fluently   

We should not be afraid to make mistakes

Rather than focusing on speaking fluent English, our goal should be to deliver a proper message every time we talk. Sometimes even native English speakers make mistakes!

We need to keep practicing

As the old saying says, “practice makes a man perfect”. The more we practice speaking English, the more fluent we will be, and our pronunciation will keep improving

We need to listen carefully

The more we listen carefully, songs, podcasts or a conversation of someone fluent in English, we are more likely to learn English better every time. Our ears get trained too in this process

We should celebrate our success 

Every time we achieve our milestone, we should celebrate our accomplishments because it will help us to move forward and motivate at the same time. Every interaction we have, no matter how big or small, will develop our English speaking skills.

We should think/start thinking in English.

We can develop our good speaking skills to great if we start thinking about English. We may find it difficult at first but it will immensely help us improve on our English.