How to Crack IELTS Exam?

Many graduates seek to go to foreign countries to pursue further education or for job hunting. If you are one of those, then you have come to the right spot. IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is an international exam that helps people pursue further studies and jobs in a foreign country.  

The score the IELTS exam provides is valid for many universities around the world. Australian, Canadian and British universities provide admission in many courses based on IELTS scores. If you have a dream university or college in mind, then getting the needed score can further pursue your study.

Today in this article, let us see how a student can crack the IELTS exam.

Exam pattern: 

IELTS is an exam targeted, or one can say totally English language-oriented. You will be tested based on your grasp of the English language. Now the question arises what the parameters are? There are four parameters. They are-

  1. Listening
  2. Reading
  3. Writing
  4. Speaking.

All of these sections carry different time limits and number of questions. So one has to prepare differently for each section. Scoring good in each section will ensure getting good marks overall.


There are four parts to this section. They are- 

  • One-on-One Interaction
  • Speech
  • Monologue
  • Group Discussion.

In Order to crack this section with good marks, one requires a good grasp of the English language. You need to be well-versed with the different accents of this language. One of the best ways to improve is listening to podcasts and news.

As this part has 40 questions, you need to be really focused while listening and not missing any information. Practice this at home by listening to multiple sources. You will also need to practice with a clock. The difficulty of this section is not too great. With the right preparation, one can easily get good scores.


In this section, you have to read long articles with different types of questions following them. The questions vary from complete the sentence, summary writing to multiple choice and short answers. Follow these tips to secure good marks in the reading section.

  • The most usual and effective way to boost your reading ability is to read. There are multiple reading sources available both offline and online. On online, there are sources like blogs, articles, online newspapers.
  • You can read storybooks, editorials, newspapers, magazines, novels as a source of offline content. The main aim is to make reading a regular habit.
  • Use mock series to evaluate your preparation. No good happens if your preparation goes unchecked. So it is better to check yourself against the clock and answer questions.
  • Use the mentioned two points as references and practice to make yourself comfortable with different articles and their questions.


 This is the section where a candidate needs to spend most of their time preparing. The time for this section is 60 minutes. There are two questions to answer. One question is based on diagrams or graphs, or charts.

You will have to answer based on the given question. The Other one will be a topic, based on which one will have to write an essay. 

Let’s see what one can do while preparing this section:As this section is descriptive, one really needs to get their time management right. The key to this is practicing beforehand. One needs to give mock tests for a limited time. This helps a candidate to get the feel of the original exam.

Making sure someone doesn’t make any unnecessary spelling and grammar mistakes in his/her article is important. It can cost several marks. There are multiple online sources and offline sources for preparing grammar. Refer to elementary-level grammar books if you think your grammar is too weak.

One needs to build up his/her vocabulary. For these again, there are multiple resources online. Examiner will scan a copy based on how well they have implemented different words in a different context. 

You can also find a good teacher and take IELTS classes under his/her guidance. This is needed only if your basics are weak. 


 Speaking is the section where a candidate has to sit in front of an examiner. The examiner checks how well the candidate communicates in English. This section is not based on your theoretical knowledge. The speaking section usually lasts for 11-14 minutes.

There are three parts to this section. In the first part, the examiner may ask the candidate general questions like personals details, hobbies, families, etc.

In the second part, the examiner may give the candidate a topic and ask him or her to talk about the topic for 2 or 3 minutes.

The third part is where the examiner asks the candidate questions from the second part. 

The things to remember while attending the speaking interview is-

  • You should be responsive throughout the interview. It would help if you were not nervous, as this may lead to confusion in the conversation.
  • Add values to your answers. Answer sincerely. Do not answer just for the sake of answering. This will assure the examiner that you can communicate smoothly.
  • Think before you speak. The interviewer has major experience in this area. He or she might counter-question you on any loose strand you fall. Be aware of it. Have an idea of what you intend to speak.
  • Be knowledgeable. If you state a fact without being sure of it, the chances are that further discussion on this topic may lead to you being off guard. State only the facts you have knowledge and understanding of.
  • In the third part, the interviewer tends to ask what you spoke on the second part. You have to remember all the arguments. The interviewer might ask you about a specific thing you mentioned in your discussion. It always better to be prepared for these questions.
  • Do not create any room for confusion. Speak clearly, slowly, and confidently. Show the examiner you can express yourself smoothly in English. Practice from beforehand.