How Can I Improve My Vocabulary?

What Does Vocabulary Mean?

Vocabulary is the word/noun vocabulary (or vocab) means to the words in a language. A set of common words in a person’s speech or the expression stock is also known as a vocabulary. One of the most considerable challenges is to acquire an exquisite vocabulary in a second language.

There are two different types of vocabulary:

  1. The words that we use and understand this is called active vocabulary
  2. The words that we don’t use but understand this is passive vocabulary

Both for learners and speakers, this is true; we use words when we write or speak. These words which we use while speaking or writing is a part of our active vocabulary, but the words which we understand yet do not use while speaking or writing belongs to the passive vocabulary 

Why Is Vocabulary Essential?

A lot of like speaking vocabulary, writing vocabulary is more about the words we can easily use. From descriptive words to action words and many others, strong language usually focuses on accurate writing and avoiding foul or vague assertions.

The most valuable vocabulary words are those which we can use almost all the time automatically.

Seven ways to improve vocabulary: –

Developing a habit of reading.

The easiest way of improving our vocabulary is when we go through words in a passage. Seeing words appear in the newspaper or online articles is far better than seeing them in vocabulary lists. It not only gives us the exposure of uncommon words but also where to use it.

Using Dictionaries and Thesaurus

You can find helpful resources in online dictionaries and thesauruses. They can help in revising better words we are using in a context. An entire dictionary can also educate us on root words, synonyms and related words.

Playing word games 

Renowned word games like scrabble and boggle can be an entertaining way to expanding our vocabulary. Then we can make a list of all the new words and find out their meaning afterwards.

Using Flashcards

To build a large vocabulary of a subject, the quickest way is to use flashcards. In this generation, the digital use of smartphones, laptops makes flashcards convenient to use as well as organized. 

Subscription to the “word of the day” feeds 

Few online platforms provide us with a word of the day via SMS, text messages or email, depending on the subscription. We can see later these words to our daily running note lists.

Using mnemonics

A mnemonic, an associated word, helps us remember the definition of words for their proper uses; for example, the word obsequious means flattery from influential by attempting to win favour. When we are breaking down this word into its components: “obese” is the beginning of “obsessed”, “qui” is the French of “Yes”, and “us” is the English word “us.”

Using new words in conversations

Without actually knowing how to the words, it is possible to possess a piece of immense knowledge. This is when we have to put our dictionary into use. If we come across a new word in a context, we can try using them in our conversation. In low-stakes situations, we can experiment with the use of words with a bit of trial and error. 

Importance of Vocabulary

A lot of like speaking vocabulary, writing vocabulary is more about the words we can easily use. From descriptive words to action words and many others, a potent language usually focuses on accurate writing and avoiding foul or vague words.

The most valuable vocabulary words are those which we can use almost all the time automatically.

The reasons why vocabulary is essential: –

  1. Can aid expression and communication through an extensive vocabulary
  2. Reading passages and comprehensions are directly linked with vocabulary
  3. Thinking vocabulary is synonymous with a listening vocabulary
  4. Vocabulary has often been a judge of his/her character

Different types of vocabulary

Reading vocabulary

This type of vocabulary is where a reader is more familiar with words by reading than listening. 

Listening Vocabulary

Listening vocabulary is a person’s vocabulary when they can figure out words while listening to speech. People can still figure out these words by judging the tone, gesture of the speech.

Speaking Vocabulary

This is the vocabulary where a person is using unique words in their speech or a conversation. Speaking language is the subset of listening the tone of their voice can figure this outer voice, yet there might be slight misuse or errors.

Writing Vocabulary

From social media feeds to essays, words have been used in various forms of writing. In the speech, many written words do not commonly occur. While communicating, writers generally use a standard set of words.

Focal Vocabulary

Focal vocabulary is a particular set of the term which is mainly for a specific group. People’s perception of things was being influenced by a lexicon (a language dictionary). Some linguists believe this. 

Vocabulary Growth

Instinctively a child builds their vocabulary during their infancy. They relate with what they hear with their object and actions. Without relying on their gestures or movements, a child’s ability to express becomes more reliant. Through questions and education, the reading and writing vocabularies start to develop through practice and time.

Throughout life, one’s vocabulary keeps increasing. An average person of age 20-60 learns more than 6,000 lemmas per day. People usually increase their vocabulary by reading storybooks, newspaper, playing word games and participating in several quiz shows.

Word Lists

This list consists of words of a particular subject. For example, it can be a list of several English/Bengali vocabulary words, depending on the language. 

For effective communication, several word lists have provided people with temporary vocabularies for rapid and quick purpose. Academic Word List, Special English, Basic English and General English List are some of them.

Defining speeches, which consists of primarily basic and common words, have been developed in some learner vocabulary dictionaries. Limited language can be helpful even for some learners. Thematic groups of some publishers produce dictionaries based on the frequencies of words.